Our Services to the Building Industry Professionals

Hands on assistance. Specifying Dynamics marketers offer the professionals assistance by supplying pricing, samples or technical information when required for their projects. This service is supplied at no cost.

Product sourcing. When looking for a specific or specialised product, the Marketer can assist in sourcing this on your behalf as we have over 15+ years’ experience in the industry.

Specifying Dynamics file. Each practice is supplied with a fully comprehensive brochure file of the products which we represent. This gets updated regularly by the marketer who visits your practice.

Market awareness on new products and Industry trends. Specifying Dynamics marketers receive training on a weekly basis to ensure they are aware of industry changes, product trends and new developments within the building Industry.

Invitations. Be part of the Specifying Dynamics network and attend product launches, conferences and relevant industry events.


Product recommendations. Specifying Dynamics marketers have the knowledge to assist professionals with product suggestions and alternative systems, saving them time.

Information on green products and buildings. Specifying Dynamics aim to stay on par with the industry and has tailored our client product base to enable us to supply sufficient energy conscious solutions to the professionals.

Bills of Quantity and Tender Documents. Specifying Dynamics Marketers can assist Quantity Surveyors and construction companies with attaining pricing for tender documents. These will be sent out to our clients on your behalf.

Product Awareness and training. We assist professionals by arranging meetings, presentations, CPD presentations, factory tours and showroom visits for specific product or project requirements.


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